Over the past few weeks PHC staff in consultation with our partners, volunteers and participants are adapting our programs to reflect best practices and recommendations from Island Health and the BC government agencies.
Volunteers returning from vacation across all programs are being asked to wait two weeks before returning to their program area.
It is always the most vulnerable amongst us who are hit hardest by these kinds of events. Without financial means it is hard to "buy ahead" or make extra money for additional expenses by taking on an extra shift especially if you work in a service sector job. Even coming into PHC for a few mornings a week to spend time where it is warm and comfortable is a luxury that is quickly evaporating. PHC staff and volunteers are adapting the food programs to reduce personal risks while maintaining service. Our costs for cleaning materials has far exceed the budget, containers, and additional canned good supplies have all gone up. Food banks across the country anticipate an increase in individuals and families seeking support from the Food Programs as the financial impacts of the virus ripple through the community. You can help by making a special donation to PHC via the Canada Helps website at www.canadahelps.org
Our seniors programs are being adapted weekly to reduce the exposure of participants. The monthly visits from the elementary school have stopped, disappointing as they add such positive energy and laughter when they attend. All of the exercise equipment has been removed from the programs so the focus is on stretching, balance and cardio. All participants are participating in hand washing and surfaces are being disinfected before, during and after the programs. The New Age of Aging talks have been postponed until further notice.
The situation is constantly changing and we are continuing to change as well. If you have any questions or concerns please send them to ed@phcgabriola.org or call 250 247 7311