Book a Ride with MediGo
Please follow the steps below in order to have a successful ride.
If you have an questions please call 1-250-247-7311
NOTE: Medigo currently only operates on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Island Health
Island Health currently provides funding to many contract transportation providers, creating support for people located in rural and remote regions of Vancouver Island. As part of this transportation network, People for a Healthy Community will be providing door-to-door patient transportation services for Island residents. Transportation is available to help those with barriers in accessing trips to and from Island Health appointments, facilities, or locations.
Drivers to Doctors
Call 1-250-268-9433
Where MediGo can't go, Drivers to Doctors (D2D) will! The fantastic and generous team of volunteer drivers and coordinators at D2D, operated by the Gabriola Auxiliary, will continue their trusted service and provide rides to appointments both on and off Gabriola. Between these two services, we hope to help as many of our community members as possible reach their necessary medical appointments.
Call D2D at 250-268-9433