UPDATE: As a result of the likelihood of snow/ice and pandemic concerns, the Remembrance Tree Ceremony will be held on Zoom.
This ceremony is to acknowledge those who have died, and to share the names that have been placed on the Remembrance Tree.
Where: in your home on Zoom (see link below)
When: January 6th at 2:00PM.
Remembrance Ceremony - Thursday, January 6th - 2:00PM on ZOOM
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9014688051?pwd=N0grb1NaQm1KRUNnVm9YOUY3cHNRZz09 Meeting ID: 901 468 8051 Passcode: 292808
Thank you to each of you who wrote on the 147 leaves, and placed them on the Remembrance Tree in the library, during the month of December.